
Cloud Workshop: How to use funds effectively in Cloud based projects?

23.02.21 2 min to read

JOIN our offline/online Cloud Workshop: Cloud Cost Optimization


Vitaliy Lysychenko – Team Lead Java developer at IT Company Academy Smart

  • Master’s degree in Information Management Systems and Technologies
  • 8+ years of professional development experience in Java
  • For 6 years he has been working with the Cloudyn / Microsoft project  (In 2017, Microsoft acquired Cloudyn, which allows in-depth monitoring of monitoring costs for Azure, AWS, and other enterprise cloud systems. From 2020, all Cloudyn features are integrated directly into Azure)
  • 4.5+ years Vitaliy – Team Lead of Ukraine dedicated team in the Cloudyn / Microsoft project
  • He has working experience in the Microsoft office in Israel
  • Vitaliy developed a project for Organo Gold, a global supplier of coffee
  • Fascinated by art-house movies and guitar playing



Block 1: AWS, Azure, GCP –  what Cloud Providers offer to their customers in Public Cloud.

Block 2: The main categories of costs in the Cloud – money is spent not only on virtual machines.

Block 3: Funds can be spent efficiently – backing up virtual machines and other approaches to efficient use of funds.

20.00 – 20.15 – coffee break

Block 4: Tools for tracking and optimizing costs in the Cloud

20.15 – 21.00 Final block: Summarizing, answering questions

21.00 – 21.30 Networking with drinks and cookies


Middle / Senior developers

Benefits of Cloud Workshop # 2:

– consider which services are offered by popular Cloud Providers;

– find out  for what you spend money on using the Cloud;

– talk about how you can more effectively use funds in the Cloud

– learn about the tools for tracking costs in the Cloud

– put into practice the knowledge how to track costs in AWS, Azure and how to plan a budget

– get answers to your questions from an experienced practitioner of Cloud Solutions

Join the Workshop and optimize your costs in Cloud projects!

Organizer: Academy Smart Ltd.

Cost: Free

Format: Online / Offline

Language: Russian

Date: March 11, 19.00 – 21.30 Kyiv time

Place: Unit.Kharkiv,

To JOIN, follow the link