
The Client, a leading car design education platform in Europe, aimed to elevate its platform by automating key processes, including teacher registration, course management, and financial transactions.

Working with Academy SMART, the platform enhanced functionality by integrating payment gateways and video hosting solutions, all while simplifying administrative workflows.

The Client now provides a more streamlined experience for teachers and students, laying the foundation for future growth and scalability.

The Client is committed to advancing car design education by offering a platform where professionals and aspiring designers can access quality content and industry knowledge. With a focus on simplifying processes for educators and administrators, the company is dedicated to fostering a learning environment that drives innovation in car design education.
Employees: 11-50
Industry: E-learning
Sector: Professional Education


  • Automate Teacher Registration:

    Simplify and accelerate the onboarding process for teachers, including contract signing, profile setup, and role assignment.

  • Optimize Course Management:

    Develop intuitive tools for course creation, editing, and monitoring, enhancing usability for both instructors and administrators.

  • Enhance Financial Transactions:

     Integrate secure payment gateways, ensuring seamless enrollment and transparent compensation processes for teachers.

  • Meet Tight Budget and Timeline:

    Deliver the project within a predefined budget while adhering to a compressed schedule.


The Client faced the following critical challenges:

Tight Timeline and Budget Constraints:

The platform required rapid functional enhancements to meet user expectations while staying competitive, all within strict budget limitations, making efficient resource allocation essential.

Integration Complexities:

The platform required integration with PayPal for payments, Vimeo for video hosting, and role-specific functionalities, all needing precise configuration to ensure smooth operation.

How Academy SMART Helped

Academy SMART implemented a multi-layered approach to address the challenges, focusing on automation, integration, and user experience.

Automated Teacher Registration:

The team created an automated workflow for teacher onboarding, including contract signing, profile setup, and role assignment. This reduced administrative burden and accelerated the process.

Course Management Optimization:

New features were developed to streamline course creation, editing, and management, providing both instructors and administrators with a user-friendly interface.

Financial Transaction Enhancements:

Secure and efficient payment gateways were integrated to handle course enrollment and teacher compensation. This ensured smooth transactions while maintaining transparency for all parties involved.

Agile Client Collaboration:

The project was executed in sprints with continuous client feedback, ensuring rapid delivery and alignment with evolving requirements. Open communication between Academy SMART and InkTank facilitated quick clarifications and timely feedback throughout the process.

Business Impact

Client’s collaboration with Academy SMART resulted in significant improvements across the platform:
  • Efficient Teacher Onboarding:

    Automated registration processes significantly reduced the time and effort required for teacher onboarding, allowing educators to focus more on delivering quality content.

  • Streamlined Course Management:

    New tools made course creation and management simpler, enhancing the overall platform usability and allowing instructors to work more efficiently.

  • Secure Financial Transactions:

    The integration of PayPal provided users with a seamless payment experience, while transparent teacher compensation improved trust and satisfaction among the platform’s educators.

  • Enhanced User Experience:

    By simplifying workflows and integrating secure payment systems, The Client improved both teacher and student satisfaction.

  • Foundation for Growth:

    The updates made to the platform, including scalable solutions and modern integrations, ensured Client could handle future growth and remain competitive in the education industry.


Web Development
Cross-platform Development
Project Management
UI/UX Designer
UX/UI Designer
Full-stack Engineers
Project Manager

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